Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors

Click here to get the template for writing a paper for the 8th International Professional and Scientific Conference OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH.


The basic procedure for writing papers is:

Program: Microsoft Word

- Maximum paper volume (with supplements): 6 (six) pages

- Format: B5, with all margins 2.5

- Font type: Times New Roman

- Font size: 10 pt

- Spacing: single-spaced

- Language: English

Invited papers can have the volume of no more than 12 (twelve) pages format B-5.

 The paper should include

- title of the paper

- author's name (s)

- name of the institution/company

- abstract

- key words

- introduction

- results of the work

- conclusion and

- references

 The paper should be prepared in the following way:

- the title of the paper in English

- the abstract of the paper and key words in English

- headings and sub-headings should be numbered

- mention only those references which have been directly used for the paper marked in the text of the paper

- tables and graphs in Microsoft Word and/or in Microsoft Excel

- scanned figures in one of the following formats: tif, jpg, jpeg, gif ili bmp

- all the tables, figures and graphs should have headings with ordinal numbers and marks in the text of the paper

- mathematical and chemical equations should be shown in MS Equation Editor, with ordinal numbers and marks in the text

Papers must be written in English. Their presentation can be either in Croatian or in English.

The name and surname of the author and co-author(s), the institution and E-mail address follow the title of the paper. When submitting the abstract of the paper, the author's phone number along with the E-mail address should be mentioned for possible contacts. The manuscripts of papers not prepared according to the instructions will be returned to the authors for rewriting.

Your paper with a positive review is going to be published in the Proceedings of the 8th International professional and scientific conference ''Occupational Safety and Health''.